Our Story

My husband and I met in May of 2006. At the time that we met we did not have the "talk" about children yet. Due to my PCOS my obgyn at the time put me on birth control to regulate my periods. After a couple months I was taken off of birth control and put on metformin to see what kind of effect it would have on regulating my cycles and controlling my PCOS symptoms. A year went by and it was time for my annual. I go to the obgyn, get my annual done and wait for the results. {...waiting} Finally I get the call from the obgyn office calls me back, the results are in. My Dr let me know that my pap came back abnormal, cancerous cells. I was beyond devastated at the thought of possibly developing cervical cancer. The next step was to do a colposcopy {basically a biopsy}. After the colposcopy I had to wait for the Dr to call me back again and let me know how advanced the cells were, and that would determine our next step in curing the abnormal cells. The phone call from the Dr advised us that the abnormal cells were advanced in their stage and that she had to perform a cryotherapy. Cryotherapy is where the cervix is frozen and the abnormal cells are destroyed. The obgyn made sure to tell us that this procedure {cryotherapy} may need to be done again if my pap revealed the same results. Cryotherapy was painful, very crampy! On top of being uncomfortable for about 15-20 minutes I had watery discharge for 10-14 days, no sex for at least 10 days, and another pap scheduled for about 3-4 weeks later. When the second pap was done and results were in everything came back normal! Although the process was a bit time consuming and painful I am glad that the end result was great. After this experience I took a step back when it came to my reproductive health. I stopped taking the metformin, birth control, and stopped going to the obgyn. 

After 3 years of unprotected sex and no pregnancy, we decided that it was time to see a fertility specialist. In September 2009 we met Dr Stephanie Estes. Our fertility specialist luckily is located about 25 minutes away from where we live. Our RE (reproductive endocrinologist) put us in a study that the hospital was conducting for woman that were trying to conceive. Since we were just starting off she figured it would be a great way to start off and at no cost to us. The exams, medications, blood work were all free in the study. The study consist of 2 groups. The 2 groups were clomid, and letrozole. We were randomized into the clomid portion of the study. I did 6 months of clomid with no luck at all. No ovulation, no regular menstrual cycle, no baby. After the 6 months in the study we met with our RE and decided that we should take a break. {we took multiple breaks in between trying to conceive} 

I don't quite remember when we decided to try again (sometime mid 2010) but, we tried again. This time around our RE suggested a round or two of clomid and if that did not work then we would try a couple rounds of letrozole. 4 months went by with no luck from either medication and it was time to move onto more serious medication follistim. A form of fertility medication that is injected. My insurance company covered my follistim. I would go to the RE about 2-3 times a week to see if we had any follicles growing. I had no follicles growing and, it was time to refill my follistim. When I called to refill my medication I was advised that my insurance company was not going to pay for the refill and that I would have to cover it out of pocket. The medication cost was about $1200.00. An amount that we did not have. After talking to my fiance we decided that it was best that we take yet another break! We were in the process of planning and saving for a wedding. At that moment it was just the best decision for us. We took a year break from trying to become parents.

We got married November 2011♥ In January we were back at the RE to continue our follistim treatment. 3 months on the follistim and each time we had 2-3 mature follicles. We triggered ovulation each time and waited the dreaded two week wait to find out if we were pregnant. Unfortunately each cycle my period would show up just adding to the misery of not being pregnant. After getting my period in April I decided that it was time for another break. Emotionally and physically I just cannot take it anymore. 

Here we are 3 months later and I have set up an appt to go back to my RE. We are officially back to baby business. This time hopefully with no stops in between!


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