What is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)?
PCOS affects 1 out of 15 woman. PCOS is a problem in which a woman's hormones are out of balance. This hormonal imbalance causes problems with a woman's periods and makes it difficult to get pregnant. PCOS also causes unwanted changes in the way you look. Examples of these changes include unwanted weight gain, hirsutism (unwanted excessive hair). If PCOS is not treated over time it can lead to serious health problems like diabetes and heart disease.

What happens to the hormones in woman with PCOS?
The sex hormones get out of balance. Normally the ovaries make a tiny amount of male hormones called androgens. In woman with PCOS, the ovaries make slightly more androgens then needed. This increase in androgen levels causes a woman to stop ovulating, get acne, and grow unwanted body hair (hirsutism). Another problem the body may encounter with PCOS is called insulin resistance. This is when the body does not use insulin well, blood sugar levels go up. Over time this increases the chances of getting diabetes.

What are the symptoms?
  • Acne
  • Weight gain
  • Trouble losing weight
  • Hirsutism (extra hair on the face and body)
  • Thinning hair on scalp
  • Irregular periods
  • Fertility problems
  • Depression
How is PCOS diagnosed?
To diagnose PCOS, the doctor will:
  • Ask questions about your health, symptoms, and menstrual cycles
  • Do a physical exam to look for signs of PCOS, such as extra body hair, weight, blood pressure
  • Do a number of lab test to check your blood sugar, insulin, and other hormone levels
  • Pelvic ultrasound to look for cyst on your ovaries
How is PCOS treated?
  • Regular exercise
  • Healthy foods
  • Loosing weight (sometime loosing 10lbs will be enough for someone with PCOS to regulate hormones)
A doctor may prescribe medicines such as:
  • Birth control pills. They can help your periods be regular and help to reduce symptoms such as facial hair and acne
  • Metformin, helps with the insulin resistance, can also help regulate menstrual cycles and fertility.
  • If you have PCOS and want to become pregnant fertility medications are given
