Hurts to Write This... But

I have not updated since my last appointment. On CD6 I went in for a follicle check and I still had a bunch of follicles but all measuring 10mm and under. Next follicle scan was on CD10 {3/5/13}, and just like CD6 tons of follicles still measuring 10mm and under. Doctor sent me home, told me to stim for four more days and to come back in on Saturday.

{Two Problems}

1.) My job has been trying to screw me over since I started going back to the RE. My supervisor told me to go to my appointments and to come back straight to work. That's exactly what I was doing. I thought they were deducting an hr of vacation time for the hour that I was gone. Come to find out by human resources that my supervisors were signing off on my time sheet as if I was there. Well my supervisors got in trouble and said something to me during a meeting that made never trust any one of them again. I was directed to human resource to file for FMLA. Since my supervisors did not know how to explain what FMLA was, I set up a meeting with human resource so that she could explain to me what it is and if I qualify for it. Human resource explained everything to and I wrote everything down so that I wouldn't forget to tell my husband something. Monday as I was walking out from work the human resource lady called trying to explain to me how FMLA is going to work. She mentioned that I would have to use all of my time before FMLA would kick in. This was something that she NEVER mentioned to me! I got upset, and you could tell in my voice that I was upset. I said to her, "You never mentioned that to me in our meeting, it's 4:15 I'm off the clock and we can talk about it when I come back on Thursday." I walked out the door still super pissed, so I called her on the way home since I was riding in the car with a co-worker. {I figured if HR would say something about the "talk" that wasn't true that my co-worker would back me up, and she says she will} I gave HR another chance to admit that she failed to mention the previous statement.  However she insisted that I misunderstood the conversation. I did not misunderstand anything. That was an important factor to know, specially when discussing it with my husband! I am still on my days off and go back in tomorrow, so I wonder if I'll get in some kind of trouble because she didn't like the tone of my upset voice! I not once cursed at her, or yelled at her, I just didn't let her finish her stupid lying fucking sentence. I made sure she knew that I no longer trusted her either which was sad, because I thought that there was somewhere else I could go in my place of employment to speak to someone out of confidence. Guess not! This whole FMLA thing has been a hassle since Day 1. After speaking to my husband I am more then willing to use the time that I have saved up before FMLA kicks in. Sacrificing vacations, and time away from work to have our baby. BUT I just have this feeling that I will use all my time, and FMLA will either not kick in or that between HR and my supervisors that they will try to screw me over together!

2.) Our insurance does not cover any part of my medications. We pay $178.83 for a vial of 300iu of Follistim, and Ovidrel is $15.00. We have spent a total of $939.15 since starting treatments in February. After being sent home yesterday from the RE, I only had enough medications for that night and then I was out. We have no money until Thursday when I get paid. So I would be without medication on Wednesday, until I would have been able to purchase it on Thursday.

So all this being said, it was my decision to stop treatments at this time. I just don't have enough trust in my employer at this time. I have been looking for another job elsewhere. The money problem has never happened before while we were doing treatments. Money problems happen all the time though whether for treatments, for bills, for gas. IT'S LIFE! We need to deal with what it brings us, and go from there. Maybe after things get a little more settled we will consider either treatments, adoption, or even foster care. I'm not looking for anyone to pitty us or feel bad for us or even be mad at us for "giving up." I am just so over the way work is treating my situation, this is not the first time I've gone to the RE, while employed with them. I will not be shutting down this blog, however I do not know if I will post any updates, unless we start any kind of adoption or fostering program. Since I have this new profound love for decorating and crafts, I will be working on a blog to dedicate to just that!
