This TTC reading was done by Tania at Eternity Tarot Readings. The reading is in black my response is in blue.
Hello Saili, (LOVE your name btw)
Your name seems familiar, (and I know you won as a veteran) but I have no record of reading for you, {had a reading done by Tania in 9/2011} so I am not sure if this is an update for TTC or what LOL. However, I will see what comes up/. I hope you enjoy your reading and it resonates well for you. The in depth TTC spread is aimed at looking at every aspect of your TTC path on an in depth level. It covers you, your current path, timing, gender, and pregnancy. It is a pleasure reading for you!!! <3
When I connect with your energy, I feel that right now, it is a time for you to really find balance in your life. It is almost as if you're trying to follow two paths at the same time, and one needs to be let go. {This is very accurate, there are actually 3 decisions I need to make, but 2 of them are very important to me. That is to buy a house before getting pregnant or try and do both} In other words, make your priorities just that, priorities, don’t try to do too many things that are conflicting, and work towards what you desire most right now instead of trying to have your hand in many different pots. {The decision is that purchasing a home before bringing home a baby is the best decision, I just have to convince my heart and my mind} I am also picking up on some sort of disruption that is sudden and unforeseen in your life. This may be something that has recently happened, or will happen soon, if this is a negative experience, I see the message that it will lead you down a road of enlightenment, and you will learn something, and it will cause a total shift in your lifestyle. {I see this as my third decision, I am looking for a new job, I am so tired of how management treats us the employees. The lack of respect for us and what I do (911 dispatcher) is disgusting! On top of that my stress level is through the roof with the job and the management}
With your current TTC path, I see “decision” and having to really look at every aspect of your life right now so as to make the correct choice, and set the right goals for yourself. In terms of this having to relate to TTC, I feel it is making the decision that is best FOR YOU with what it is you would like to happen next. {We've decided to do birth control until we figure out the house situation} Remember that you are the one that is in control with your path. You can be as strong minded or as laid back as you want to be when it comes to the next step with trying to conceive. If you feel that what you're doing right now is not working, seek council in changing that. I do feel that right now, your direction should be to seek some other doctor, or make a switch to someone who will be more willing to listen to you, because I get “injustice” as a message, like you're not having what you’d like to be done done. {I use to feel that I needed a new RE but, recently things have been going smooth with her, and her reasons for not allowing us to pursue another option like iui are legit}
With timing, I see September for you. This can be Conception, when you receive a positive pregnancy test, or birth timing. {Not too sure about this, only because I plan on being on birth control for approx 6 months} I do feel that Intervention will be needed to bring this baby to you, I normally see this as a sign of several different things. Either dealing with infertility, or making lifestyle changes, or adding certain things to your regimen that helps ease conception. {I have PCOS so, I do need medical intervention} The numbers 8 and 9 are very prevalent to this reading and timing. Numbers can literally be anything, but when I relate it to timing, it can be the months of August/September (thereby validating the month I initially see for you) or it could be a date range of ovulation or getting your BFP. BUUUT I have also seen this to indicate pregnancy within that amount of cycles. I know that’s a lot of things, but keep them in mind as somehow those numbers will be significant. With that, I see a little boy for you. {We will see how this will play out, I am excited to see how things work out for us}
With pregnancy, the number 15 is coming up, this may be a due date or time of birth, or it could be the number of hours you labor. {Hopefully that is not the amount of hrs I will be in labor, lol} I do see “challenge” with pregnancy, and you having a little bit of a difficult time. I think this more so relates to a long labor, as I see the need to “speed things up” with this baby, but in terms of pregnancy specifically, I see a need to not worry so much about the finances of having a baby, and all the dollar signs associated with it. You will be in the right place, and you will have planned for the baby well before he comes. {This is very nice to know} Do not worry about the little things, they always have a way of working themselves out. I also see a need for you to not buy anything really big in early pregnancy, as a lot (and I mean A LOT) of things will be given to you. If you would like to, keep those receipts!!
I hope that you enjoyed your reading and were able to take away many great messages. It was a pleasure reading for you! Please send me any positive or negative feedback as it helps me better my interpretation skills. If you enjoyed your reading, the greatest thanks you can give is to refer your friends and family!
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