Today's RE Visit

Today was our RE visit, and I have to say that it went pretty well! We discussed how long we have been with her since {September 2009}. My husband was shocked to know that we have been seeing our RE for 3yrs. Our doctor went through our medical history from when we started with her and, we've only ever had 3 successful ovulatory cycles. It took us about 3 years to find the proper dosage to make my body ovulate. 3 years to make my body ovulate! Who would've imagined that it would have taken this long for my body to decide to respond.

 Our original plan was to continue Follistim. However, the hospital was only allowing female cancer patients to purchase the Follistim from the pharmacy. They are doing a cyroperserving of female cancer patients eggs. I was upset that I could not purchase the Follistim from the pharmacy because, I knew that this meant that it would be expensive elsewhere. When the nurse told me why I wouldn't be allowed to purchase it there, I felt a happy yet grateful emotion come over me. I think it is very nice of the hospital to be doing that for their cancer patients. I'm sure that they are very grateful for it! Just like women who go through infertility, women with cancer should be allowed to experience being a mother as well! The Follistim would have cost us around $2,000 for a pen of 900ius. This was just too much of an amount that my husband and I did not expect. So there we were with a hard decision to make. I talked to him about the amount and explained to him that we could save $2,000 a month, and in 4 months we could just go in for IVF and have a higher chance of knowing we will conceive. He agreed and, we waited for the nurse to call us so that we could tell her our decision.

{Nurse Calls and, she had a backup plan before even knowing what we were going to say}

Since the Follistim was going to be too expensive for us, the RE and the nurse had a backup plan when they called us back. Our new plan of action is; we are waiting for AF to start. I am 2 days past my last provera pill, and AF should be starting soon {hopefully}. When AF decides to show up I will be on Gonal-F. If AF does not show up, then I will have to call my RE and let her know of the no show. The RE told us that she will do an ultrasound to see how things are up in the wonderful world of the vagina! We are excited to be starting up again, and nervous all at the same time. My husband says that we will be getting pregnant this cycle♥ It is so nice to hear him be so positive!



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