Yesterday I after I got home from work I started cramping really bad, and had a lot of upper and lower back pain. I thought for sure that AF was on her way. Somehow someway I managed to trick my mind into thinking that I was just being paranoid about things and needed to remain positive. Here I am switched back to "positive mode". We went to bed around 10:00 pm, and the cramping was so bad that at times I had to bring my knees up to my chest {fetal position}.
Doubt started making it's way back. Slowly taking over my mind cramp after cramp. At this point I was begging my husband to find the heating pad for me. Plugged in and warming up, the heating pad was the only thing that was helping my cramps somewhat. I woke up several time during the night to use the restroom. Since I do not turn on the light when I go {I have secret night time vision lol}, I do not know if AF had shown up or not. 6:20 am when my alarm went off to get ready for work, I felt "wet" down there.
I sat on the toilet feeling betrayed, thought to myself this is not happening to me right know. So I wiped again. What was I hoping for? I was hoping that I was dreaming? Or even that I was just seeing things and needed to adjust my eyes. BUT my vision was fine and I wasn't dreaming. 2-4 days early and with full vengeance! I am only 10 dpo, so this is DEF a problem. The earliest I expected to see AF was on Tuesday, 14 days past trigger. The latest she was suppose to be here was Thursday, 16 days past trigger and 14 dpo. I called the RE office and left a message with the nurse on her voice mail. I did expect someone to call me since they are in on weekends, but no one called. I am sure that someone will call tomorrow, but I will make it a point to give them a call in the morning. I am not upset that AF arrived. I am more upset that she came too early, leaving me with a problem. It's bad enough I don't ovulate on my own, did she really need to give me an LP problem too? This is the first time that this has happened. I think this may have happened due to my slow stimulation and fast growing endometrium. I will post tomorrow any updates if and when the nurse calls me.
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