♥Trigger Tonight♥

Tonight is the night we get to trigger! At our Dr appointment today the ultrasound showed that I have 2 follicles on my right ovary. 1 follicle is measuring at 21, and the other is at 17. I do not know what my E2 levels are because the nurse did not call me today. Today I'm feeling a little achy, headache, back pain, diarrhea. I have to take the Ovidrel at 8pm tonight. Dr says that it will place ovulation at Valentines Day give or take. Just to think that we will conceive our baby on Valentine's Day is exciting, but our approximate due date will be November 7, 2013 only 3 days after our 2nd year anniversary. Nothing like a sweet blessing to celebrate!

After the appointment I went back to work, and I knew from the moment that I woke up that I should have just stayed home today. Work was horrible! I exchanged some harsh words with a co worker and felt my anxiety rise. I was trying to have a calm, cool, collective day. However, that went out the door the minute I clocked in. I ended up calling my husband to come get me and left work. I told my boss I couldn't deal with this today and  that today was not the day for me to be angry or feel anxious. He let me go home, but tomorrow I am expected to go talk to him about what happened. I am not too sure if I am going to talk to him about it. There's no point, they never listen to anything we say when it comes to "work things". My boss is very flexible in accommodating us when we need to be at the doctor or anything else. 


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