Cycle Day 38

I know I keep promising to keep up with my blog and I seem to get distracted. This time distraction took me away from TTC as well. The distraction however was a pleasant and most positive distraction EVER! My husband and I found a new home to move into! We are absolutely in love with our small 2 bedroom home. We moved out of the town we use to live in, about 5-10 minutes further than our jobs, but the move was so worth it and needed so much! Our initial goal of house hunting that started back in July did not end the way that we wanted it to, with a new home of our own. However, we found a home that fits our needs and that has enough room to adjust for any new arrivals♥ I took some pics of the new place but with the move I have not found the usb cord for the camera. So as soon as I find it, I will post some pics {promise}.

TTC will continue as follows: I have an appt set up to see my RE January 18. So the countdown begins. 28 more days until our RE visit. I have to say that I currently do not know how to feel about our upcoming RE visit. I think that we may have to re-do some testing like Glucose, HSG, Semen Analogy etc. The good thing is that everything is usually done within a timely manner. I want to say that we will not waste more then a month on testing. As far as how many cycles we will need to go through before our BFP? I am hoping just one!


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