I wanted to post after our first appointment, and I forgot. I wanted to post after our follicle check appointment, and I forgot again. So this post is going to bring everyone up to date on our January cycle. January 29th, we went for our baseline. Ultrasound showed that my lining was good to start, ovaries were not covered in the typical PCOS cyst. I had to wait for the nurse to call me to let me know if my blood work was good like the ultrasound. That afternoon we got the go ahead to start 112.5ius. I've been so moody since I've started the stims. EVERYTHING my husband does annoys the hell out of me. I had to apologize a couple times though, and reminded him I'm feeling a little edgy lately.
Four days later {February 2} we went back to the RE for a follicle and lining check. My lining measured in at 5 and, I had a bunch of follicles all measuring 10 and under. The doctor sent me home for another 4 days of stims. Our next appointment is this Wednesday, February 6. I am hoping to see that at least one of the follicles will measure between 14-16.
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