Notice the Name Change?

I stopped taking my BCP about a month ago. Here I am waiting for AF and nothing. I am not surprised that AF is not here. I mean why would she come on time? That makes no sense to my body. {I need to humor my broken body} Yesterday morning, I woke up and took a HPT. You can see <- it is negative. I tested to see if anything happened while I was off the BCP, and also so that I can start taking something to induce AF. 

I am happy to announce that my husband and I are back on the TTC train! I have been detoxing my liver for a little over a week. I also have been taking Dong Quai to bring on AF. We are excited to be trying again.  At this time we are doing everything all natural with herbs and healthy diet. We decided to do this route for now. It is inexpensive and healthy for my body. We are also still looking for another place to move into. The new home will not happen in our present time but, it will in the future! We are estimating within the year of 2014 that we will be in a new home. In the meantime though this natural process will either help me, or not do anything at all for me. If we do not see any progress with the natural route, then we will discuss going back to the RE. I will be posting details throughout the natural process. I will also be taking my BBT and using OPK.


Heidi K said...

Sending happy baby sprinkles to you :)

Saili said...

Thanks Heidi♥

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